Tuesday, December 27, 2011


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

HSTU C-Unit Seat Plan

                                          Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
                    Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University Dinajpur
                                                       Grant Total Seat
                                                           C Unit
Name of the Building Total Seat
Academic Building-1 2484
Academic Building-2 426
Academic Building -3 685
Library Building 130
HSTU School Building 386
Gymnasium 150
BKSP 228
Grand Total Seat 4489
C Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-1
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Soil Science Lab. -1 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 30001-30060
2. Soil Science Lab. -2 and Corridor East 1st floor 56 30061-30116
3. Agril. Extension Lab. and Corridor East 2nd floor 96 30117-30212
4. Agri Chemistry Lab. -1 and Corridor West Ground Floor 60 30213-30272
5. Agri Chemistry Lab. -2 and Corridor West 1st floor 66 30273-30338
6. Statistics Lab. and Corridor West 2nd floor 76 30339-30414
7. Agroforesty Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 30415-30464
8. Horticulture Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 30465-30514
9. Plant Pathology Lab.1 and Corridor East 1st floor 66 30515-30580
10. Plant Pathology Lab.2 East 1st floor 20 30581-30600
11. Crop physiology and Ecology Lab. and
East 2nd floor 66 30601-30666
12. Agronomy Lab. and Corridor West Ground Floor 70 30667-30736
13. Entomology Lab. and Corridor West 1st floor 66 30737-30802
14. Genetics and Plant Breeding Lab. and
West 2nd floor 71 30803-30873
15. Class Room-101 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 30874-30933
16. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 30934-30973
17. Class Room-103 and Corridor West Ground Floor 50 30974-31023
18. Class Room-104 West Ground Floor 50 31024-31073
19. Class Room-201 and Corridor East 1st floor 176 31074-31249
20. Class Room-202 and Corridor West 1st floor 140 31250-31389
21. Class Room-301 and Corridor East 2nd floor 100 31390-31600
22. Class Room-302 and Corridor West 2nd floor 126 40001-40126
23. Auditorium-1 Auditorium-1 325 40127-40451
24. Fisheries Class Room-101 Fisheries building 30 40452-40481
25. Link Corridor (North) Middle 2nd floor 24 40482-40505
26 Link Corridor (South) Middle 2nd floor 24 40506-40529
27 Horticulture field lab Behind Library 30 40530-40559
28 Agronomy field lab Behind Library 30 40560-40589
29 Farm Mechanics field lab Behind Library 60 40590-40649
30 Hydraulics field lab Behind Library 30 40650-40679
31 Controller Section Corridor West 1st floor 40 40680-40719
32 C. S. E Corridor West 2nd floor 40 40720-40759
33 Administration Corridor East 1st floor 60 40760-40819
34 Class Room-401 and Corridor West 3rd floor 176 40820-40995
35 Gymnasium Near to 2nd Gate 150 40996-41145
Total Seats 2634
C Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-2
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room-101 East Ground Floor 40 41146-41185
2. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 41186-41225
3. Class Room-105 West Ground Floor 66 41226-41291
4. Food Process Lab.(106) West Ground Floor 25 41292-41316
5. Class Room-201 East 1st floor 100 41317-41416
6. Class Room-205 West 1st floor 44 41417-41460
7. Food Process Lab.(206) West 1st floor 25 41461-41485
8. Food Process Drawing Lab. West 1st floor 56 41486-41541
9. Attach to BS Dean Office West Ground Floor 30 41542-41571
Total Seats 426
C Unit
Seat plan for Admission Test -2012
Academic Building-3
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. General Animal Science Lab. 3rd floor 24 41572-41595
2. Physiology Lab. 3rd floor 28 41596-41623
3. Pharmacology Lab. 3rd floor 20 41624-41643
4. Biochemistry and molecular biology lab 3rd floor 24 41644-41667
5. Parasitology Lab. 3rd floor 30 41668-41697
6. Dairy and Poultry Science Lab 3rd floor 30 41698-41727
7. Class Room S.F 1 2nd floor 70 41728-41797
8. Class Room S.F 2 2nd floor 70 41798-41867
9. Class Room S.F 3 2nd floor 70 41868-41937
10. Class Room S.F 4 2nd floor 70 41938-42007
11. Microbiology Lab. 1st floor 30 42008-42037
12. Pathology Lab. 1st floor 35 42038-42072
13. Class Room 1st floor (west) 50 42073-42122
14. Histology Lab. Ground floor 32 42123-42154
15. Anatomy Lab. Ground floor 32 42155-42186
16. Medicine Lab. Ground floor 20 42187-42206
17. Animal Breeding & Genetics Lab. Ground floor 20 42207-42226
18. Virology Lab. Ground floor 30 42227-42256
Total Seats 685
C Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Library Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Internet room and Corridor Ground floor 30 42257-42286
2. Reading First floor 60 42287-42346
3. M.S. Reading Second floor 40 42347-42386
Total Seats 130
C Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
HSTU School Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room 101 Ground floor 36 42387-42422
2. Class Room 102 Ground floor 72 42423-42494
3. Class Room 104 Ground floor 30 42495-42524
4. Class Room 105 Ground floor 40 42525-42564
5. Class Room 106 Ground floor 36 42565-42600
6. Class Room 107 Ground floor 72 42601-42672
7. Corridor Ground floor 100 42673-42772
Total Seats 386
C Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
BKSP, Basherhat
Room Location No. of Seat Seat Range
1 Gymnasium Block 1 BKSP 151 42773-42923
2 Gymnasium Block 2 BKSP 77 42924-43000
Total Seats 228

HSTU Admission Test-2012(Seat plan-B Unit)

                                                      Grand Total Seat
                                                            B Unit
                  Name of the Building Total Seat
                  Academic Building-1 2556
                 Academic Building-2 426
                 Academic Building -3 685
                  Library Building 130
                 HSTU School Building 386
                 Gymnasium 150
                 BKSP 271
Grand Total Seat 4604
B Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-1
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Soil Science Lab. -1 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 20001-20060
2. Soil Science Lab. -2 and Corridor East 1st floor 56 20061-20116
3. Agril. Extension Lab. and Corridor East 2nd floor 96 20117-20212
4. Agri Chemistry Lab. -1 and Corridor West Ground Floor 60 20213-20272
5. Agri Chemistry Lab. -2 and Corridor West 1st floor 66 20273-20338
6. Statistics Lab. and Corridor West 2nd floor 76 20339-20414
7. Agroforesty Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 20415-20464
8. Horticulture Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 20465-20514
9. Plant Pathology Lab.1 and Corridor East 1st floor 66 20515-20580
10. Plant Pathology Lab.2 East 1st floor 20 20581-20600
11. Crop physiology and Ecology Lab. and
East 2nd floor 66 20601-20666
12. Agronomy Lab. and Corridor West Ground Floor 70 20667-20736
13. Entomology Lab. and Corridor West 1st floor 66 20737-20802
14. Genetics and Plant Breeding Lab. and
West 2nd floor 71 20803-20873
15. Class Room-101 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 20874-20933
16. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 20934-20973
17. Class Room-103 and Corridor West Ground Floor 50 20974-21023
18. Class Room-104 West Ground Floor 50 21024-21073
19. Class Room-201 and Corridor East 1st floor 176 21074-21249
20. Class Room-202 and Corridor West 1st floor 176 21250-21425
21. Class Room-301 and Corridor East 2nd floor 136 21426-21561
22. Class Room-302 and Corridor West 2nd floor 126 21562-21687
23. Auditorium-1 Auditorium-1 325 21688-22012
24. Fisheries Class Room-101 Fisheries building 30 22013-22042
25. Link Corridor (North) Middle 2nd floor 24 22043-22066
26 Link Corridor (South) Middle 2nd floor 24 22067-22090
27 Horticulture field lab Behind Library 30 22091-22120
28 Agronomy field lab Behind Library 30 22121-22150
29 Farm Mechanics field lab Behind Library 60 22151-22210
30 Hydraulics field lab Behind Library 30 22211-22240
31 Controller Section Corridor West 1st floor 40 22241-22280
32 C. S. E Corridor West 2nd floor 40 22281-22320
33 Administration Corridor East 1st floor 60 22321-22380
34 Class Room-401 and Corridor West 3rd floor 176 22381-22556
35 Gymnasium Near to 2nd Gate 150 22557-22706
Total Seats 2706
B Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-2
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room-101 East Ground Floor 40 22707-22746
2. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 22747-22786
3. Class Room-105 West Ground Floor 66 22787-22852
4. Food Process Lab.(106) West Ground Floor 25 22853-22877
5. Class Room-201 East 1st floor 100 22878-22977
6. Class Room-205 West 1st floor 44 22978-23021
7. Food Process Lab.(206) West 1st floor 25 23022-23046
8. Food Process Drawing Lab. West 1st floor 56 23047-23102
9. Attach to BS Dean Office West Ground Floor 30 23103-23132
Total Seats 426
B Unit
Seat plan for Admission Test -2012
Academic Building-3
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. General Animal Science Lab. 3rd floor 24 23133-23156
2. Physiology Lab. 3rd floor 28 23157-23184
3. Pharmacology Lab. 3rd floor 20 23185-23204
4. Biochemistry and molecular biology lab 3rd floor 24 23205-23228
5. Parasitology Lab. 3rd floor 30 23229-23258
6. Dairy and Poultry Science Lab 3rd floor 30 23259-23288
7. Class Room S.F 1 2nd floor 70 23289-23358
8. Class Room S.F 2 2nd floor 70 23359-3428
9. Class Room S.F 3 2nd floor 70 23429-23498
10. Class Room S.F 4 2nd floor 70 23499-23568
11. Microbiology Lab. 1st floor 30 23569-23598
12. Pathology Lab. 1st floor 35 23599-23633
13. Class Room 1st floor (west) 50 23634-23683
14. Histology Lab. Ground floor 32 23684-23715
15. Anatomy Lab. Ground floor 32 23716-23747
16. Medicine Lab. Ground floor 20 23748-23767
17. Animal Breeding & Genetics Lab. Ground floor 20 23768-23787
18. Virology Lab. Ground floor 30 23788-23817
Total Seats 685
B Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Library Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Internet room and Corridor Ground floor 30 23818-23847
2. Reading First floor 60 23848-23907
3. M.S. Reading Second floor 40 23908-23947
Total Seats 130
B Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
HSTU School Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room 101 Ground floor 36 23948-23983
2. Class Room 102 Ground floor 72 23984-24055
3. Class Room 104 Ground floor 30 24056-24085
4. Class Room 105 Ground floor 40 24086-24125
5. Class Room 106 Ground floor 36 24126-24161
6. Class Room 107 Ground floor 72 24162-24233
7. Corridor Ground floor 100 24234-24333
Total Seats 386
B Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
BKSP, Basherhat
Room Location No. of Seat Seat Range
1 Gymnasium Block 1 BKSP 178 24334-24511
2 Gymnasium Block 2 BKSP 93 24512-24796
Total Seats 271

Seat plan for Admission Test 2012 (Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University,Dinajpur)

                                                  Grand Total Seat
                                                        A Unit
         Name of the Building Total Seat
         Academic Building-1 2556
        Academic Building-2 426
        Academic Building -3 685
        Library Building 130
        HSTU School Building 386
       Gymnasium 150
        BKSP 1090
       Grand Total Seat 5423
A Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-1
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Soil Science Lab. -1 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 10001-10060
2. Soil Science Lab. -2 and Corridor East 1st floor 56 10061-10116
3. Agril. Extension Lab. and Corridor East 2nd floor 96 10117-10212
4. Agri Chemistry Lab. -1 and Corridor West Ground Floor 60 10213-10272
5. Agri Chemistry Lab. -2 and Corridor West 1st floor 66 10273-10338
6. Statistics Lab. and Corridor West 2nd floor 76 10339-10414
7. Agroforesty Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 10415-10464
8. Horticulture Lab. and Corridor East Ground Floor 50 10465-10514
9. Plant Pathology Lab.1 and Corridor East 1st floor 66 10515-10580
10. Plant Pathology Lab.2 East 1st floor 20 10581-10600
11. Crop physiology and Ecology Lab. and
East 2nd floor 66 10601-10666
12. Agronomy Lab. and Corridor West Ground Floor 70 10667-10736
13. Entomology Lab. and Corridor West 1st floor 66 10737-10802
14. Genetics and Plant Breeding Lab. and
West 2nd floor 71 10803-10873
15. Class Room-101 and Corridor East Ground Floor 60 10874-10933
16. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 10934-10973
17. Class Room-103 and Corridor West Ground Floor 50 10974-11023
18. Class Room-104 West Ground Floor 50 11024-11073
19. Class Room-201 and Corridor East 1st floor 176 11074-11249
20. Class Room-202 and Corridor West 1st floor 176 11250-11425
21. Class Room-301 and Corridor East 2nd floor 136 11426-11561
22. Class Room-302 and Corridor West 2nd floor 126 11562-11687
23. Auditorium-1 Auditorium-1 325 11688-12012
24. Fisheries Class Room-101 Fisheries building 30 12013-12042
25. Link Corridor (North) Middle 2nd floor 24 12043-12066
26 Link Corridor (South) Middle 2nd floor 24 12067-12090
27 Horticulture field lab Behind Library 30 12091-12120
28 Agronomy field lab Behind Library 30 12121-12150
29 Farm Mechanics field lab Behind Library 60 12151-12210
30 Hydraulics field lab Behind Library 30 12211-12240
31 Controller Section Corridor West 1st floor 40 12241-12280
32 C. S. E Corridor West 2nd floor 40 12281-12320
33 Administration Corridor East 1st floor 60 12321-12380
34 Class Room-401 and Corridor West 3rd floor 176 12381-12556
35 Gymnasium Near to 2nd Gate 150 12557-12706
Total Seats 2706
A Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Academic Building-2
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room-101 East Ground Floor 40 12707-12746
2. Class Room-102 East Ground Floor 40 12747-12786
3. Class Room-105 West Ground Floor 66 12787-12852
4. Food Process Lab.(106) West Ground Floor 25 12853-12877
5. Class Room-201 East 1st floor 100 12878-12977
6. Class Room-205 West 1st floor 44 12978-13021
7. Food Process Lab.(206) West 1st floor 25 13022-13046
8. Food Process Drawing Lab. West 1st floor 56 13047-13102
9. Attach to BS Dean Office West Ground Floor 30 13103-13132
Total Seats 426
A Unit
Seat plan for Admission Test -2012
Academic Building-3
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. General Animal Science Lab. 3rd floor 24 13133-13156
2. Physiology Lab. 3rd floor 28 13157-13184
3. Pharmacology Lab. 3rd floor 20 13185-13204
4. Biochemistry and molecular biology lab 3rd floor 24 13205-13228
5. Parasitology Lab. 3rd floor 30 13229-13258
6. Dairy and Poultry Science Lab 3rd floor 30 13259-13288
7. Class Room S.F 1 2nd floor 70 13289-13358
8. Class Room S.F 2 2nd floor 70 13359-13428
9. Class Room S.F 3 2nd floor 70 13429-13498
10. Class Room S.F 4 2nd floor 70 13499-13568
11. Microbiology Lab. 1st floor 30 13569-13598
12. Pathology Lab. 1st floor 35 13599-13633
13. Class Room 1st floor (west) 50 13634-13683
14. Histology Lab. Ground floor 32 13684-13715
15. Anatomy Lab. Ground floor 32 13716-13747
16. Medicine Lab. Ground floor 20 13748-13767
17. Animal Breeding & Genetics Lab. Ground floor 20 13768-13787
18. Virology Lab. Ground floor 30 13788-13817
Total Seats 685
A Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
Library Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Internet room and Corridor Ground floor 30 13818-13847
2. Reading First floor 60 13848-13907
3. M.S. Reading Second floor 40 13908-13947
Total Seats 130
A Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
HSTU School Building
Room Location No. of
Seat Range
1. Class Room 101 Ground floor 36 13948-13983
2. Class Room 102 Ground floor 72 13984-14055
3. Class Room 104 Ground floor 30 14056-14085
4. Class Room 105 Ground floor 40 14086-14125
5. Class Room 106 Ground floor 36 14126-14161
6. Class Room 107 Ground floor 72 14162-14233
7. Corridor Ground floor 100 14234-14333
Total Seats 386
A Unit
Seat Plan for Admission Test-2012
BKSP, Basherhat
Room Location No. of Seat Seat Range
1. Gymnasium Block 1 BKSP 178 14334-14511
2. Gymnasium Block 2 BKSP 178 14512-14689
3. Gymnasium Block 3 BKSP 178 14690-14867
4. Gymnasium Block 4 BKSP 178 14868-15045
5. Gymnasium Block 5 BKSP 178 15046-15233
6. Gymnasium Block 6 BKSP 101 15234-15324
7. Class Room 1 BKSP 33 15325-15357
8. Class Room 2 BKSP 33 15358-15390
9. Class Room 3 BKSP 33 15391-15593
Total Seats 1090

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

gift idea

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Monday, December 05, 2011

romantic gift

Every day is the right day to spoil your sweetheart with romantic gifts, romantic dinner, or romantic gestures. People may find it hard to express their love because they are not romantic enough.Everyone is romantic, however, your sweetheart may expect you to be more romantic.Here are some of the romantic gift ideas & tips for him & her, and hopefully can help you to spoil your partner. romantic gift

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This unique romantic gift idea by Antonio Verdi makes a special occasion unforgettable. The COSIMO is NOT to be delivered in the paper-carton/crinkle-cut-paper that it is shipped in unless it has to be sent directly to the recipient (e.g. as a unique romantic gift for a long distance relationship). The COSIMO is delivered "naked" (as is). It can be placed on a bedroom pillow with a rose next to it for a unique romantic gift surprise or on a kitchen or coffee table to be discovered by the recipient. As a Christmas romantic gift of course it has to be wrapped. In case the COSIMO is delivered outside the house, like in a restaurant, you can elect to place it in a gift bag which you can include in your order at no additional cost. Make a statement with this lasting romantic gift idea by Antonio Verdi.romantic gifts

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